Once you placed your order, you will receive an email detailing all the items in your order. If you do not receive an order confirmation email, please first check to see if it landed in your spam mail box. If it is not there, please contact us right away to ensure we have the right email address to contact you.
All orders are processed within 1 day. If you have chosen the "Free Pick Up" option, we will contact you to set up a pick up time. If your greeting cards require shipping, they will be shipped within 2 days.
Canada |
U.S. |
1-3 cards
$3.00 |
$1.50 ea
$2.75 ea
4 cards or more
$1.50 ea
$2.75 ea
Shipping via Canada Post non-tracking regular letter mail. If you prefer other method of shipping, please contact us.